A few years ago when I was younger, more naive, and not married; I was dating a young man who I was quite serious with. We had discussed children numerous times and he told me that he would prefer I have them naturally. I proceeded to laugh and decide he was crazy. I later, after marrying my husband, had no choice but to deliver my stillborn son , naturally and am truly grateful I did. I proceeded to have my next two children without pain meds as well (though I did have piction with one labor to speed things up). I share this because I thought the same exact thingwhen I was introduced to the idea of homeschooling. I had met a gal - who was newly married and already reading the 5 Pillars classics & preparing herself to homeschool her children and I thought - quite frankly - she's nuts. However, she and another mutuaal friend proceeded to introduce me to A Thomas Jefferson Education and I couldn't put the book down. I finally understood for the first time ever why I was so unhappy with my schooling experience and could recall very little of what I had learned. It made me determined to make sure that my children never suffered such a fate if i could have any say in it.
I call myself a homeschooling mom now because I do all I can to provide daily learning experiences planned and othrwise for my son & daughter. I strive to make note of what works with what child, and what interests each of them. I strive to instill in them the qualities , values, & principles my parents instilled in me.
I never thought in a million year I would be one of those "homeschooling moms", but I am more than proud to wear the badge now .
I am so sorry about your little still born son. You are so strong. I know that you will be a great "home-schooling" mom. I try to wear the badge with honor too.
Sally, You inspire me. Thank you for sharing such a personal comment. It makes me want to be stronger. Welcome to the world of home-school.
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