Sunday, September 7, 2008

Preserving the Art of Preserving

Today our children can go with their parents to Walmart and buy applesauce. They do not get to see the apple tree grow and produce apples. They do not pick the apples, process the apple sauce and then eat it. Todays children are becoming very disconnected with the natural processes of life. We are trying to preserve this at least in our own family.

Today we produced nearly 100 quarts of apple sauce. Richard, Isaac, Jen and Uncle Craig went to the church orchard and picked 7 bushels of apples and 5 bushels of peaches. We hope that Isaac had a hands-on experience in the natural processes of making applesacue.
Thanks to the help of Aunt Jessie, McKinzee and Jen, we were able to be an apple sauce factory at our house. Over all there were only few mishaps...a couple singed off eye lashes and burned fingers...but I think we did all right...11 hours later...

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