My husband leaves home to go to work at 8 AM every day; he is home by 5 PM. He gets one hour for lunch and two 15 min. breaks. We live close to his office so his commute is very short. He works 40 hours a week. Sometimes he has to work 60+ hour weeks, bringing his laptop home or leaving in the early hours of the morning but this “crunch time” never lasts long. The people he works with treat him with respect and he feels safe at his job site. If he didn’t like his job or the people he worked with he could speak to his manager about a change. If no change could be made he could apply to work somewhere else or he could choose to stick it out.
My neighbor’s daughter is 6 years old. She leaves on the bus around 8 AM the school is just over one mile but the bus route takes nearly ¾ of an hour in good weather. She gets home at 4PM. She is in school for 35 hours a week. She gets ½ hour for lunch and another ½ hour for recess break (I have heard that some elementary schools no longer hold recess). She always has homework but she is only in first grade so it is not much, an average of ½ hour a day. If she was a high school student it could easily be as much as 2-3 hours or more bringing her per week school time past the 40 hour mark and that doesn't yet include an instrument, sports, clubs etc. The students she goes to school with are often cruel, spiteful, and vulgar; she does not always feel safe there. If she doesn’t like her teacher or classmates, there is nothing she can do about it. If her parents don’t like her teacher or classmates it is unlikely they can do anything about it but hope for better next year. Getting summer off seems to be the only perk. If her mom worked, she’d spend her summer in day care. (I need hardly add that adults are emotionally far more mature than children and thus far more capable of voicing their concerns and dealing with stressful working conditions.)
What happened to make childhood only 5 years long? What is so fascinating about our adult lives that we want to rid ourselves of these precious bundles of laughter and bright-eyed curiosity (which we so desperately wanted only 5 yrs ago)? Why all this homework? Don’t say it’s to keep parents involved! Leaving parents time to play and laugh with their children…that’s quality parental involvement.
How is it that so many people don’t see the educational system for what it is? These are C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N… there will be plenty of time for full-time employment later—years and years and years of it!
Okay, now I know you all agree with me... so, now, what do we do about it?! We Home School our own children and that is wonderful! But when people ask us about Home School are we quiet? Are our eyes downcast? Do we meekly respond that it is what's best for our family or do we get a sparkle in our eyes and talk (not preach) but talk excitedly about how wonderful it is, how we wish we could have been taught this way, how much the kids are learning, how enthusiastic they are, and how much they know? We don't need to preach or start arguments to get others thinking. Being outspoken doesn't mean we have to make ANY comments whatsoever about what others have chosen... but lets not apologize for what we have chosen, and for what is working WONDERFULLY in our own homes! Maybe, just maybe we'll spark some interest, ignite research, and give someone the nudge they need to burst forth into the Home Education culture that we love so much!
Give it a try next time someone asks you
why-- just show them all that enthusiasm that you have & go off on some project your kids are doing or some wonderful thing they said-- heck, tell them how your kids feel sorry for all those kids locked up till almost dinner time!
Don't apologize for having found something AMAZING and EFFECTIVE for your family! Share what you believe in with a big smile on your face, a gleam in your eye, and be sure to mention that you DO get time to yourself as well ! (If you don't, just hang on till the toddlers are older and you will!)