Monday, January 19, 2009

TV Stands for "The Vampire" - Kill It

by Don Milne, an Editorial found in Deseret News

On Feb. 17, the "Vampire" in your home will be dead. The Vampire has sucked your life away day and night for decades. Years ago, your home maybe had one Vampire, but chances are now there are two or three or more stalking you. No matter where you go — living room, kitchen, even your bedroom — the Vampire is there. And because the Vampire has bitten you, you are a docile servant to his desires. He can say things and show you things that you would not put up with from your family or neighbors.

The Vampire spends more time with your child than your child spends in school. Report after report tells us of the harm he has done to your child. The more time your child spends with the Vampire, the more promiscuous he or she becomes. The Vampire makes your kid fat. The Vampire causes behavior problems.

If you are average, once the Vampire is gone on Feb. 17, you will have restored 28 hours of your life every week. In one year's time that's almost 40 full workweeks. What could you do with this extra 1,500 hours? You could get a lot of exercise. You could increase your job skills. You could spend more time engaged with your family. You could develop a talent like playing a musical instrument. You could get a part-time job and increase your savings. You could even read something more uplifting than the Vampire listings. I know. You mock me. You disparage me. This is an impossible dream. The Vampire is too strong and too alluring. Letting the Vampire die will cause you too much pain. Only outcasts and misfits can live without the Vampire. So you will not let your beloved, foul-mouthed, violent, sex-crazed Vampire die. You will give him new life with a converter box if you haven't done so already. Perhaps your Analog Vampire has already been replaced by an even more dangerous Digital Vampire. He will continue to dominate your life. Perhaps you already have a shrine dedicated to him in your home.

I killed the Vampire in my home in 2003. At first it was hard. The Vampire's poison was in my blood. I was drawn to raise him from the dead, but with time the desire left, and so did the ill effects. Shocked at my actions and shrouded in guilt, people I know would defend the Vampire. The Vampire brings news and even wholesome entertainment.
They don't understand.
The Vampire sucks life — hours, weeks, months, years. I can get news and entertainment without him and not cede away my control.
They say that less than 1 percent of Americans live without the Vampire.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
Won't you join us?

In January 2003 Don and Aneladee Milne of Bountiful promised to take their children to Disneyland if they went a whole year without watching television programs. A year later, when they got back from Disneyland, they turned the TV back. They liked things better without it. They've remained "TV free" ever since.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Help Fight Freedom of Choice Act

As most of you know, last night Obama made a public announcement that he is going to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act, which will allow all types of abortions including partial birth abortions, also allowing babies who are born alive due to botched up late term abortions, to be set aside without any medical care or nourishment and left to die (most of these babies have no medical problems and most of the ones that do, have things like cleft palates, club feet, things that are correctable, still they are murdered in the most cruel and inhuman way. They feel everything that is happening to them. There is more mercy for dogs that are put to sleep) This Bill also will make it mandatory for doctors and nurses to perform this murderous act even if they do not want to do so. This act also allows under age teens to have an abortion, even partial birth abortions, without parental consent.

Catholic Bishops have pleaded with Obama not to go ahead with this horrible murder of innocent babies. They have also told Obama that if he persists in signing this Bill which would require even Catholic Hospitals to perform these acts of murder, they will have no choice but to close all Catholic Hospitals. Please let us join with these courageous Bishops who will go to any length to change Obama's mind. Please take a minute to sign this statement and let our voices be heard.

This is a great, informative website. You can click on the video of Obama's speech to the Planned Parenthood group where he promised that the first thing he would do if elected President would be to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act. He isn't even in the White House yet and he made a statement last night that he will go forward with his plans to sign this outrageous bill. He still can change his mind because the Bill cannot be signed until he is actually the President.

Please let your family and friends know about this Bill and ask them to also sign this petition. Even those who voted for Obama would not want him to sign this Bill. May God have mercy on our country for the sake of the millions who would never agree with this Bill if they fully understood all that it encompasses. Please click on the web site below. It will take less than a minute of your time, doesn't cost anything and God will bless you for standing up for Him and His teachings.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing"

For more information on what a partial-birth abortion click on NPR Partial-birth Abortion

Thursday, January 8, 2009

TJEd Annual Form for 2009

Mark your Calendars, it's time for the TJEd Annual Forum for 2009. It will be held on March 7th, in Salt Lake City.
If you are interested, the web site is found on

Early birds must register by Feb 7th, 2009.
Prices at a glance:

Early Bird Adult $52.00
Early Bird Couple: $72.00

Regular Price Adult: $72.00
Regular Price Couple: $92.00

There are special events the day before that cost more if you would like to go earlier. I am personally only attending, on March 7th myself. I think that you can order lunch through the conference or leave to get lunch. What a wonderful time to have a get-away!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Beaker's "Ode To Joy"

We are having a blast studying classical musicians with our kids. Whoever said classical music couldn't be fun? Ode To Joy is my 13-month-old's favorite song. She dances around to it every time I play it on the piano. Enjoy!